Functional Rhinoplasty Helps Patient Live, Feel And Breathe Better

Rhinoplasties are generally thought to be strictly for cosmetic purposes (reshaping the exterior of the nose to achieve the desired look of the patient). However, a rhinoplasty procedure can also be performed to reshape the interior passageways of the nose to improve overall function and reduce labored breathing. This is known as a functional rhinoplasty procedure.

For Nannette, a recent patient of Edward J Gross, M.D., a double board certified facial plastic surgeon at Primera Plastic Surgery, she decided to undergo rhinoplasty surgery both for the cosmetic and functional aspects the procedure afforded her.

“One of the biggest benefits I’ve noticed after my rhinoplasty is that I can breathe much better,” she explains. “People don’t even really notice that I’ve had the procedure done, which is great.” After close to 10 years of searching for the right doctor before making her decision, she finally found Dr. Gross and decided to move forward with the procedure.

“Dr. Gross walked me through the procedure and I decided to do it that day,” she says. “I felt like he treated me like I was part of his family and that he would work on me with special care.”


Actual functional rhinoplasty patient before and after photos front viewMany patients seeking rhinoplasty have associated obstructive breathing symptoms arising from the nasal airway. A deviated nasal septum or enlargement of turbinates (the structures inside the nasal cavity that help humidify inhaled air) are often the cause of such symptoms. A functional rhinoplasty can address these symptoms and, ultimately, improve the patient’s quality of life.

There are other health benefits associated with rhinoplasty to improve breathing function, including a higher tolerance for exercise, less snoring/better quality of sleep, and fewer headaches.

In addition to these benefits, Nannette says she is also enjoying a better sense of smell after her functional rhinoplasty procedure.

“I can smell everything,” she says with a laugh. “Everything is so enhanced. I can’t explain the feeling. You just gotta do it.”

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