What Are the Different Types of Rhinoplasty Surgeries? Before and After Photos

Did you know that rhinoplasty was the most popular cosmetic surgery procedure performed in the U.S. in 2019 and 2020, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS)? It’s easy to see why—rhinoplasty patients in Orlando often say the procedure changes how they feel about themselves because it makes them much more confident in their appearance.

Among the 350,000 nose job procedures performed each year are different types using various techniques to address each patient’s specific concerns. Not all rhinoplasty patients simply want their noses to be smaller, as you’ll see in some of our rhinoplasty patients’ before and after photos below. Rhinoplasty involves artistic skill that reshapes the nose so that the results are in harmony with other facial features and look natural from all angles.

Open or Closed?

Plastic surgeons primarily use 2 different approaches to perform rhinoplasty—open or closed. Beyond those different approaches, however, are different types of rhinoplasty procedures, including revision rhinoplasty, tip plasty, ethnic rhinoplasty, and others.

Before exploring those different types, let’s take a look at the differences between open and closed rhinoplasty.

Open rhinoplasty

An open procedure refers to the fact that surgeons have an unobstructed, or open, view of the nasal structure during the procedure. More specifically, this approach gives Dr. Gross unlimited access to all areas of the nose. This is accomplished by making a thin incision across the columella—the strip of tissue separating the nostrils. The surgeon can then carefully lift the skin, exposing the internal structures. Even though the incision is on the outside of the nose, the scar is virtually imperceptible once it heals.

An open rhinoplasty approach can address various concerns and is essential to revision rhinoplasty so that Dr. Gross can access scar tissue, graft cartilage, and rotate and shorten a drooping or elongated nose tip.

Closed rhinoplasty

This approach involves making incisions within the nose so scars are internal. Because a closed rhinoplasty is a tunneling procedure, a surgeon has reduced visualization and cannot make as extensive changes as with open rhinoplasty, especially for tip refinement. A board-certified facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon who performs pre-operative computer imaging is your best choice.

Rhinoplasty Types

Rhinoplasty corrects many different concerns, including dorsal humps on the nasal bridge, overprojection, disproportionate sizing, asymmetry, and several other issues. Choosing a rhinoplasty specialist is important because cosmetic nose surgery is probably the most complicated and delicate procedure performed by plastic surgeons.

The types of rhinoplasty procedures we perform at Primera include:

Tip Plasty

A tip plasty, as the name suggests, focuses on the nasal tip and doesn’t necessarily involve changing the rest of the nose. Tip plasty can change the tip’s projection, elevate or rotate the tip to create a more attractive angle between the nose and the upper lip, or thin the tip.

Rhinoplasty | Nose Surgery | Orlando
Before & After Tip Plasty & Other Adjustments
Before & After Tip Plasty & Other Adjustments

Ethnic Rhinoplasty

When performed by Dr. Gross at Primera, ethnic rhinoplasty improves the aesthetics and function of the nose for Asian, African American, and Hispanic patients without erasing their distinctive ethnic features. This procedure may involve changing the nose’s height, narrowing the nose, creating a sharper nose tip, or other alterations. It is important to select a surgeon with a wide breadth of experience with various cartilage structures and skin types for ethnic rhinoplasty.

Ethnic Rhinoplasty in Orlando
Before & After Ethnic Rhinoplasty
Rhinoplasty | Dr. Edward Gross | Primera Plastic Surgery | Orlando, FL
Before & After Ethnic Rhinoplasty


This procedure addresses both nasal form and function. Patients who have difficulty breathing due to conditions such as a deviated septum are candidates for septorhinoplasty. Your nasal septum is the thin strip of bone (at the top) and cartilage (at the bottom) that divides your nose in half and creates two nostrils. When the septum is crooked or displaced to one side of your nose, you have a deviated nasal septum. Correcting a deviated septum with rhinoplasty also results in a straighter nose in addition to improved breathing.

Dr. Gross has two board certifications so he can improve breathing function and cosmetic appearance simultaneously.

Before & After Septorhinoplasty

Revision Rhinoplasty

At our Orlando practice, Dr. Gross sees patients who are disappointed with the results of rhinoplasty performed by other surgeons. Revision rhinoplasty requires a specialist with extensive experience and knowledge of nasal anatomy because it presents issues not present during the primary surgery.

Before & After Revision Rhinoplasty
Rhinoplasty | Nose Job | Dr. Edward Gross | Primera Plastic Surgery | Orlando, FL
Before & After Revision Rhinoplasty
Before & After Revision Rhinoplasty

Reconstructive Rhinoplasty

A traumatic impact that breaks the nose can result in disfigurement requiring surgical reconstruction. Ear cartilage grafts, spreader grafts, or external nasal valve grafts may be needed for these procedures.

Before & After Reconstructive Rhinoplasty
Before & After Reconstructive Rhinoplasty

Which Rhinoplasty Is Right for You?

If you’re self-conscious about the appearance of your nose or you have trouble breathing through your nose, Dr. Gross is one of the best rhinoplasty specialists in Florida, as you can see in our gallery of before-and-after photos. Additionally, he was voted a 2020 Top Plastic Surgeon by Orlando Family Magazine. Request a consultation using the online form to discuss your specific concerns. You can also call us at (407) 333-3040 to schedule an appointment.

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